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Introducing New Team Member Storyboard
by Vicki Yi
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Introducing New Team Member Storyboard
This storyboard focuses on new team members, providing a formal yet unique introduction to who they are, their specialties and interests. Key focus points include making sure both the speaker and new hire are relaxed on camera and ready to talk about the new position.

Ben Chambless

Regional Sales Director

Cyrano Systems, LLC

75 Fifth Street NW,

Suite 2125
Atlanta, Georgia 30308


Mobile: 678-863-6163

Media Content (1 of 1)
Introducing New Team Member Storyboard
This storyboard focuses on new team members, providing a formal yet unique introduction to who they are, their specialties and interests. Key focus points include making sure both the speaker and new hire are relaxed on camera and ready to talk about the new position.
Introducing New Team Member Storyboard